A couple fighting
A woman's husband betrayed her trust by eating meals she prepared for herself after surgery and lying about it. His lack of support and neglectful behavior led her to consider divorce. Pexels

A woman's husband has been condemned as "twisted" for eating the meals she had prepared for her own consumption before a major surgical procedure and then falsely accusing their son.

In a post shared on the subreddit "Am I Overreacting?", an anonymous Reddit user from the United States stated that she was contemplating divorce following a recent incident.

The woman disclosed that she had undergone surgery on her stomach and intestines approximately two weeks prior and had been instructed to adhere to a rigorous diet until her recovery or else risk serious complications.

A Husband's Twisted Actions

However, upon returning home after the surgery, which left her unable to climb the stairs, she discovered that the meals had vanished. "ALL of the meals I'd made for myself are GONE," she wrote in the Reddit post.

"Just completely emptied out. I'm really upset because I have no energy right now to make more - living off of liquids and having anaemia will do that to a person," she added. "My diet is (hopefully!) progressing to soft solids tomorrow, so I was really excited to be able to eat some of the food I'd made."

When questioned, the man accused their son, but the woman knew this was not true, as her son detested the gluten-free and low-carbohydrate food she had prepared. After persistent questioning, her husband admitted to taking the meals to work, claiming he was too exhausted to prepare his own lunch and that her food offered him more "variety."

The woman added: "I am EXHAUSTED. This recovery period is kicking my ass. Before surgery, I ran a mile every day. Now, I barely have enough energy to walk up the stairs. I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 lbs."

"I'm not supposed to do anything more strenuous than walking. Even taking a shower is tiring right now. The anaemia, dehydration, and lack of proper nutrition are making it worse," she continued. The woman stated that she was overcome with emotion after her husband's confession, but he dismissed her feelings, accusing her of "overreacting" and being a "baby."

She continued: "He refuses to make me new meals, he refuses to help me make new meals, he says it's been almost 2 weeks and I should be able to do stuff on my own. At this point, I'm seriously considering divorce. I mean, my son and I are already doing everything on our own already. And I know my kid won't eat my diet food. Am I overreacting?"

The woman explained that she had prepared meals in advance for the entire family, including special dishes that her son had requested. The online commentators were appalled by her husband's audacity, and many advised her to proceed with the divorce.

Outrage And Condemnation

Some speculated that the husband had not actually consumed the meals and had taken them for his own "twisted" motives. One user said, "I don't think your husband ate one bit of that food. I think he threw it away to punish you for some twisted reason."

"No person would choose to eat liquid, gluten-free, sugar-free food - especially when you made him food that he specifically requested for himself. Your husband is terrible, and you are right to want a divorce. He's supposed to be there for you in sickness and in health - and instead, he is sabotaging your health and recovery. You are not over-reacting," the user wrote.

"His behaviour is something counselling cannot cure. He is a horrible, horrible man. I am so sorry OP." Another user noted, "There are so many red flags in this post. Leave this man child. You are not his parent- you are his partner!! He should want to be there and help you while you're going through this but instead he's making your life more difficult? Hell no."

"You did not over react. actually you didn't react nearly as strongly as I would have. I I don't even have words for how awful that is. Knowing that you need this food for your health and survival and he eats it for lunch? Honestly he doesn't care about anyone but himself."

Another user labelled the woman's husband a "narcissist" and asserted that he had intentionally done this, reinforcing the advice to divorce him immediately. One user exclaimed, "That's so not cool."

Siding with the woman, the user stated that it was absurd she had to prepare meals for everyone before the surgery. The user emphasised that her husband needed to be more supportive. "Marriage is a partnership... you help each other out," the user noted.

There are similar instances where one partner has engaged in behaviour that warrants criticism. For example, a woman recently disclosed that her ex-husband depleted her life savings during their marriage by illegally accessing her email, creating forged documents, and pretending to be her to gain control of their joint account.

He then secretly transferred her business savings into his accounts using a PayPal account. Similarly, 65-year-old woman is considering divorce after her millionaire husband, who inherited significant wealth, refuses to share his fortune with her.

The woman has been forced to rely on social security despite co-owning five rental properties, two of which were inherited. However, is divorce the only solution, or can the couple communicate effectively to resolve these issues and avoid a separation?