Women in Tech
Women in Tech

Empowering women in tech is not just an option but a necessity. As the product management subcategory undergoes reinvention every day, the transformative power of women in tech charges forward to fuel its future. From being heavily underrepresented to spearheading some of the most significant breakthroughs in the tech industry, progressive females are carrying the torch of innovation into the next generation.

A wise man once said that the future is female, and a large part of that future is driven by technology. "For decades on decades, women have been underrepresented in the professional world. The time has come to empower ourselves with the skill and drive to lead by example for the next generation," shares Falguni Mehrotra, an inventive product manager and advocate for women's empowerment.

Known for a sundry of tech contributions, Mehrotra has made her mark in the sectors of healthcare, travel, and academia. Looking in between the lines, she has amplified her presence by sharing her wisdom and know-how with the next generation of game-changers.

Commitment To Leadership And Advocacy

Valuing the human aspect of the job is just as important as making waves in one's professional field, and this is highly-evident in Mehrotra's repertoire. When she is not busy behind a desk, she can be found volunteering within prominent organisations, such as the Women in Tech Conference. This is where Mehrotra shines as both a tech expert and an advocate for females in this field. Her position as a track chair for this committee speaks volumes about how close her craft truly is to her heart.

The mentors in the Women in Tech community are given a platform to express their support for the next generation of female technology leaders. The annual event is graced by over 10,000 brilliant minds who gather to gain insights from seasoned tech specialists. As a means to further technology's progress and cultivate the potential of women in tech, this conference speaks volumes on leadership and advocacy.

"By fostering this culture of empowerment, I aim to contribute significantly to the nurturing and development of talent within the tech community," shares Mehrotra. "It's about creating a ripple effect of knowledge, inspiration, and leadership that extends far beyond the confines of any single event or interaction."

Apart from her efforts within the Women in Tech Community, she is also an active member of platforms like Interview Hub and Topmate.io.

"My role involves guiding aspiring professionals through the intricacies of job interviews, career development, and navigating the tech landscape. My mentoring extends to providing actionable advice, sharing industry insights, and empowering women and other underrepresented groups to excel in tech roles," declares Mehrotra, highlighting the intricacies of her mentorship initiatives.

The Future Is Female: The Next Generation Of Changemakers

Every challenge presents an opportunity for innovation and positive change. There is a hope that current leadership and advocacy efforts will inspire future generations of women in technology.

Moreover, there is continual room for improvement in various sectors, such as healthcare, travel, and academia. This is where the next generation of changemakers can step in and make a difference. "There are wonderful women in tech with bright ideas just waiting to materialize," concludes Falguni Mehrotra. "I intend to guide this influx of budding talent and see to it that the torch burns brighter for generations to come."