Archaeologists believe that the fishing city excavated along the banks of the Sea of Galilee was also the birth place of apostles Andrew and Philip.
The image of the female kudu would have accompanied young girls to womanhood.
Scientists say that the mammoth dinosaur weighed around 60 tonnes and was 20 feet high.
Huge fortresses of this kind pose an enigma in Viking history.
Who carved the symbols and what were they trying to say?
King Sa-Nakht was nearly six feet tall, his alleged remains suggest.
The findings reveal origins of the Minoan people of Crete, home to the legend of the Minotaur.
It was found in Iraq in the 1930s.
Steppe migrations played a minor role in shaping the Iberian population and culture, ancient DNA suggests.
Modern Lebanese people share 90% of their DNA with Bronze Age Canaanites.
The wooden box still has traces of the grains it carried in 1500 BCE.
The engravings contain religious messages and will be restored by experts.
A team of archaeologists have discovered Tutankhamun's wife tomb, but many questions still remain.
Aboriginal Australian history is many thousands of years longer than we thought.
The Urnfield culture cremated the dead and buried their remains in urns.
The adult and baby mummies are thought to be from the 13th century.
Archaeologists are using advanced scientific methods to see if skeletons were followers of Cylon of Athens.
Homo Naledi was first discovered in 2015 in a dark South African cave.
The lost fleet is thought to lie at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Stone Age burial mound is the first to be excavated in Wiltshire in 50 years.
Archaeologists think they have solved a long-standing mystery dating back to the Greek Classical period.
The remains of around 200 Americans who were killed in Croatia during the Second World War are still missing.
The analyses suggest the ancient civilisation was much more careful with its environment than previously acknowledged.
The Denisovans might have lived in the region for much longer than we thought.
The discovery was made during restoration works at Saint Catherine Monastery.
The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest structure at Teotihuacán.
The people of the village were very well nourished, leading to their unusual height.
A femur found 80 years ago is shining a new light on Neanderthal evolution.
The tomb held one of the earliest depictions of battle chariots in Egypt.
Known as columelle, the stelae shed light on the identity of Italians in a newly unified peninsula.