'Are you out of your mind?': Trump furiously roasted for tweeting condolences about wrong US shooting
Trump's tweet seemed to refer to a separate shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas that took place last week.
US President Donald Trump posted a message of support on Twitter after a gunman opened fire at people in several locations in Northern California, including an elementary school, on Tuesday (14 November). At least five people were killed and 10 others were injured in the shooting rampage before the gunman was shot dead by police.
However, Trump's tweet seemed to refer to a separate shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas that took place last week on 5 November.
"May God be with the people of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The FBI and Law Enforcement has arrived," Trump tweeted. The tweet was nearly the same as the message he posted about the Sutherland Springs shooting last week.
It isn't clear if the tweet was mistakenly resent or if Trump meant to respond to Tuesday's shooting in the rural community of Rancho Tehama in California.
However, Twitter users immediately pointed out the glaring mistake and tore into Trump accusing the president of using "copy and paste" to post his first message addressing the latest US shooting.
"Are you out of your mind?" one Twitter user furiously asked.
"Did u just copy & paste this & forget to change the city?" one user tweeted. Another added: "Did you reuse this tweet for the last mass shooting? Understandable. It's difficult to keep track of all of them."
Others voiced concerns that the tweet was not taken down for several hours. It was still live at the time of publication.
"The fact that the U.S. president can't even keep track of all the mass shootings is a fairly compelling argument for gun reform," Melissa McEwan wrote.
"The President of the United States is tweeting at midnight about the wrong mass shooting and it's like the 500th most insane Trump story of the week," a user said.

At least get your mass shootings right, Mr President. This was last week. The new one is in California. https://t.co/PP9PplvM4r
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 15, 2017
So thereâs a template to extend condolences for mass shootings?
— David Rygalski (@rygalskid) November 15, 2017
Presidenting is hard.
— Steve Blum (@blumspew) November 15, 2017
Trump is confusing his mass shootings. He probably meant Northern California, but it really makes no difference to him. It's not like he's going to do anything about them. #GunControlNow pic.twitter.com/Yp9vV9bo7x
— Polly Sigh (@dcpoll) November 15, 2017
JFC this clown has to go.
— Jennifer Kirkland (@WhitmanJen) November 15, 2017
He tweeted pretty much the same thing Nov 5th, looks like he forgot to change the city. pic.twitter.com/ZsZY6zCvvK
— Miss J (@jygriebel) November 15, 2017
No way, it was a cut and past, he forgot to change the location, and so far over 22k of his followers have âliked itâ and over 4k of them retweeted it...with no clue either. They all just amplified his careless, shameful and unpresidential mistake. #UnfitForOffice pic.twitter.com/6eHbz83Mlq
— James Costos (@JamesCostos) November 15, 2017
Donald's template for a white male shooter, usually with history of domestic violence:
— Mother Resister ð½âï¸âð» (@MotherResister) November 15, 2017
May God be with the people of <City, State>. The FBI and Law Enforcement has arrived.
I think that is EXACTLY what happened.
— Amelia (@RocketsMom22) November 15, 2017
— Name cannot be blank (@cadillaccannon) November 15, 2017
Ummm, did you mean the mass shooting in California? I can understand why it would be easy to mix mass shootings up, as they happen every other week. pic.twitter.com/tmpsmLhZFq
— Frizzie Frizzstein (@bringonthesong) November 15, 2017
FBI and law enforcement will be arriving for your family. Soon.
— Brown.MaxBrown (@BEEBESD) November 15, 2017
America: where there are so many mass shootings that your dopey president canât keep them straight. Potato, potahto I guess?
— panthergrrl (@panthergrrl) November 15, 2017
What took them so long?
— Guy Endore-Kaiser (@GuyEndoreKaiser) November 15, 2017
Sarah Suckabee Sanders tomorrow - "he was joking".
— Char (@CHARHARTMAN) November 15, 2017
âMay God be with the people of [your city here] ...â
— panthergrrl (@panthergrrl) November 15, 2017
The fact that there are enough mass shootings that the president even has an opportunity to make a "cut and paste" mistake is a clear indication of how BIG this problem is. pic.twitter.com/EN2TAJuFJp
— Scott Hallock (@thebestideaswin) November 15, 2017
That was a week ago. Today's mass shooting is at an elementary school in CA. Try to act like you care.
— Joe Fitrzyk ð (@JoeFitrzyk) November 15, 2017
Wrong tragedy ð¤¦ð¼ââï¸This is the single most heartbreaking moment of this presidency.
— DonaldâsMOM (@DonaldsM0M) November 15, 2017
— Shelli Williams (@Swilli_75) November 15, 2017
Are you out of your mind?
— Matchoo (@BornSlippy) November 15, 2017
So many shootings... Hard to keep up, huh, Donnie?
— Matthew D. Ward (@MatthewDWard) November 15, 2017
No way. I thought people were joking. Donald Trump actually did tweet about the wrong mass shooting. Good lord. I know he's not the brightest, but it's wild we have such a big issue that POTUS can mix up the tragedies. pic.twitter.com/ec9ho0gUsJ
— Josh Sánchez (@jnsanchez) November 15, 2017
1. We have too many mass shootings. ONE is too many.
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) November 15, 2017
2. That's no excuse for a POTUS confusing them. Carelessness is callousness.
3. Trump's done nothing to address root causes. His presence exacerbates the crisis.
My expectations for Trump are extremely low but it seems like copying/pasting a tweet about a new mass shooting w/o changing the city is bad. pic.twitter.com/3qQcE7UtMi
— Patrick Quaife (@pquaife) November 15, 2017
Almost leaves you speechless doesnât it? I canât wait to see his excuse for tweeting this!
— Wendy Buchan (@wendywoo2012) November 15, 2017