Big Bang Theory season 11 returns with episode 9: Find out why Leonard is pissed at Penny
The Bitcoin Entanglement will feature a flashback scene.

The Big Bang Theory season 10 returns from a brief hiatus this Thursday (30 November) at 8pm EST on CBS Network, where Sheldon and Amy continue to hunt for a perfect wedding location and Leonard and Penny argue about an old issue.
Episode 9 is titled, The Bitcoin Entanglement and the official synopsis reads as follows:
Sheldon tries to teach the guys a lesson after they cut him out of a potentially valuable Bitcoin investment. Also, a seven-year-old video reveals a secret about Leonard and Penny's relationship.
The Network has released several sneak-peeks from the episode. In the first preview, Leonard seemed pissed at his wife. He says, "I can't believe you took a gift from me and gave it to another man!" to which Penny responds with an exasperated gasp.
However, Sheldon has a different interpretation of Leonard's words and says, "Really? Of all the things she's given to other men, that's what you are concerned about?"They both shut him down.
Later Penny tells her husband, "Please don't make a big deal about this. It was a long time ago. We were broken up." A confused Rajesh asks, " Which breakup was that? Was it the St Valentine's Day massacre?
Howard adds, " Noo. This might have been during the Comic-Con 'dumpathon'." Penny is furious that they have such comic names for their breakups but Raj explains saying, " They would really blur together if we didn't."
In the second preview released for the episode, we see Sheldon, Amy and Penny discussing the former's wedding planning. Penny asks, "How is the wedding planning going?" to which Ammy replies saying great and later adds, "Although we are having trouble agreeing on a location."
"I thought you were looking for a cliff on a beach," asks Penny, but Amy explains that they were looking, but Sheldon didn't like any of them. "Some were too beachy, some were too cliffy," she says.
"And all of them were too outsidey," adds Sheldon.
Click here to watch the episode via live stream online. You can also click here to watch it online (link available only in the US).