GTA 5 Online 1.16 Update: Zombie Apocalypse, Godzilla DLC, Aircraft Storage Space, Pimping, More Venues to Rob And Much More

For a long time now, Rockstar has been giving gamers on GTA 5 nothing but silly clothes and new cars. This is despite the fact that gamers have been requesting for several basic features ever since the game was launched. Here is a wish list created by IBTimes UK after taking into account what gamers want in upcoming updates, including the 1.16 GTA 5 update.
Zombie Apocalypse
Who wouldn't want the ability to animate other players corpses and recruit them to fight along side as their personal zombie militia army. Even if we can't control the zombie, we would at least like to kill them. Rockstar should definitely consider a Zombie themed DLC minus the clothes and crappy cars.
Here's a rather fun idea. Why not summon Godzilla to Los Santos and let him fight players. Rockstar could also make killing Godzilla extremely hard as a way of taking revenge on gamers who exploit in-game glitches to make illegal money on GTA 5. Gamers could be offered new weapons, new combat systems, some fun military vehicles and more, so that they can go slay the beast.
Aircraft Storage
Some gamers believe that it's about time that Rockstar offered them space to store their prized (stolen) Jets and choppers. Not such a bad idea.
Easier Grouping System
Gamers have always complained that they have found it hard to find a like minded group of gamers on GTA Online. Usually, they are either over-leveled or they lack a brain. Rockstar should work on a system that allows gamers to create clans in a more organised manner.
More Venues to Rob
It goes without saying that gamers are tired of robbing crappy convenience stores that offer very little cash. To make my complain more clear, I would like to borrow the words of cravze from Reddit.
"More businesses to be robbed. Stores get boring. You can actually rob the clothing stores and ammunition too, but when I just paid the ammunition guy $20,000 and he's only got $78 in the register, bleh. Banks, pawn shops, etc. Don't have to be huge payouts, just some variety."
I agree whole heartedly with cravze, we need more places to rob and we need their registers to be loaded like a mini Fort Knox.
On more than one occasion, gamers have spoken about how they would like to be Pimps in the game (and in real life). Considering that being a Pimp in the real world isn't the finest of career choice, players would like to go all out in GTA 5 Online and run their own comfort homes.
Land to Air Bazooka
Gamers have wondered why GTA Online doesn't have one of these yet. One would be hard pressed to find an activity more fun than shooting down jets from the sky on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Bottom Line
Even if Rockstar doesn't give us any of the above, gamers want the developers to stop offering updates with new clothes and cars. Dear developers, this isn't a Barbie game, it is GTA 5 and new t-shirts will simply not suffice.
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