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Health secretary Andrew Lansley

NHS Reforms: A Debate Blinded by Love

Poor old Nigel Lawson. It must be a terrible burden for him to have been proven so completely right when he said that the NHS is the closest thing Britain has to a religion. If only he could also be proven correct on "global warming" (now rebranded "climate change" thanks to the freezing weather) then we could all celebrate a drop in energy bills.
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Secret Contraceptive Implants Forced on Teen Girls

Teenage girls in schools in Southampton have been given contraceptive implants, without their parents' knowledge. This has happened following the government's decision to try radical measures to reduce teenage pregnancies.

German Retiree Eats 64-Year-Old Lard

Hans Feldmeier, a German retiree, received a tub of lard from the U.S. Aid program in 1948. It was still lying around, unopened, 64 years later, when he opened and ate it.