Tests on mice show vaccine blocks 'hit' of heroin and leads to sharp fall in consumption.
Donald Carelson plans to make a walking stick out of his own amputated foot.
Poor old Nigel Lawson. It must be a terrible burden for him to have been proven so completely right when he said that the NHS is the closest thing Britain has to a religion. If only he could also be proven correct on "global warming" (now rebranded "climate change" thanks to the freezing weather) then we could all celebrate a drop in energy bills.
American man was dining on 6,000-calorie burger at Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas.
Do you, however, know of an entire village that has cancer?!
Diane Aulger goes into labour two weeks early for husband who had only days to live
A British man from the West Midlands who had a sex change surgery has reportedly become Britain's first male mother. He has given birth to a baby boy.
A moment of innovative thinking by researchers at the University of Cambridge may pave the way for exploring into and discovering new treatment for diseases like autism and Alzheimer's.
Scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, have discovered a technique to improve the memory of people suffering from dementia or early Alzheimer's disease disease.
Transgender model could stroll down runway as man or woman.
Two 102-year-old Scottish sisters have set the record for being the world's oldest living twins, as announced by Guinness World Records on Tuesday.
Katie Champagne claims Orlando adventure park staff humiliated her by kicking her off Kraken rollercoaster.
Controversial commercial goes viral on web.
The management at Planet Nutrition on University City Blvd in Charlotte is having a hard time coping with the continuous demand for raspberry ketone fat-burner supplement .
The secret to successful weight loss isn't starving yourself nor is it limiting your food choices or following a rigid pattern of eating. It is simply about your fruit choices!
Teenage girls in schools in Southampton have been given contraceptive implants, without their parents' knowledge. This has happened following the government's decision to try radical measures to reduce teenage pregnancies.
A baby boy, weighing 15.52 pounds (7.04kg), born in central China on Saturday, is believed to be the biggest and heaviest in the country's history.
Gamers and staff at internet cafe fail to notice dead player for nine hours.
Romanian model's shocking figure dubbed hourglass but critics say it promotes harmful message.
Women's and health rights groups rally for International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation.
Hans Feldmeier, a German retiree, received a tub of lard from the U.S. Aid program in 1948. It was still lying around, unopened, 64 years later, when he opened and ate it.
Researchers and orthopedic consultants from the University of Bristol have found that patients with implants could face increased risk of cancer and certain other genetic damage.
Study finds children under age of three who watch too much TV at higher risk of developing attention deficit disorders.
Middle aged and elderly urged to take more notice of safe sex message as sex medicine use and divorce numbers grow.
Holidaymakers fall ill at beachside resort in Calpe and 14 others in hospital with symptoms.
Nearly third of 35 infected people ate potentially contaminated fruit in few days before infection.
Prime minister quotes Tony Blair in defence of health reform bill branded disaster by Labour.
Unnamed tattoo artist puts pet sphynx cat to sleep etching into its chest.
Anna Watson, the muscly female cheerleader from University of Georgia, is the latest in a line of attractive woman who are choosing to bulk up.
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, in Bad Nauheim, Germany, have created artificial heart tissue from the silk produced by tropical silkworms.