Kenda Laney
@kenda.laney via Instagram

In the world of social media, few platforms offer the unique potential for business growth that Pinterest does. Kinda Laney, a 23-year-old entrepreneur, has tapped into this potential, transforming her social media skills into a thriving business that now earns her $30,000 monthly. What started as a side project managing Instagram and Facebook accounts has evolved into a lucrative venture, thanks to her strategic use of Pinterest.

From Side Hustle to Full-Time Success

Laney's journey began modestly. She started her career managing social media accounts for small businesses, earning a modest wage. However, a turning point came when a client asked her to explore Pinterest, a platform she had previously used only for personal inspiration. Intrigued, Laney began experimenting with Pinterest, learning through trial and error how to leverage the platform's unique features to drive traffic and, ultimately, revenue.

After graduating from college, Laney decided to turn her newfound knowledge into a business. She founded Laney Media, a company that offers coaching, consultancy, and digital products aimed at helping creators build their online brands and increase their income. Today, her business thrives largely due to the traffic she generates from Pinterest.

Why Pinterest Works: The Power of a Visual Search Engine

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest operates more like a search engine. Users on Pinterest actively search for ideas, products, and inspiration, making them more likely to engage with content that aligns with their interests. This searchability has been a key factor in Laney's success.

"Pinterest is a search engine, so because people who are being shown your stuff are already searching for it, you're going to get more views than on other platforms where you're at the mercy of the algorithm," Laney explains.

This approach has paid off handsomely. According to data verified by Business Insider, Laney has been driving between $30,000 to $40,000 in monthly revenue from March to July by directing Pinterest users to her website, where she offers various products and services through Laney Media.

Understanding Pinterest: A Visual Discovery Engine

Pinterest is often described as a visual discovery engine, a platform where users can find ideas ranging from recipes to home decor and fashion inspiration. With over 522 million monthly active users, Pinterest's appeal is broad, but it has a particularly strong following among Gen Z, who now represent 42% of its global user base.

The platform's core feature is the ability to save and organise images, or "Pins," into boards. These boards allow users to curate content around specific themes, such as wedding planning, holiday ideas, or fashion tips. For businesses, this means that Pinterest is not just a social network but a powerful tool for reaching consumers who are actively seeking new products and ideas.

Leveraging Pinterest for Business: Strategies for Success

Pinterest has become a powerful tool for businesses, especially those looking to reach new audiences. According to Pinterest, 96% of the top searches on the platform are unbranded, indicating that users are open to discovering new brands and products. This makes Pinterest an ideal platform for businesses to introduce their offerings to a receptive audience.

To help businesses grow, Pinterest offers several tools for effective targeting and engagement:

1. Native Targeting Tools: Pinterest allows businesses to connect with users based on interests, demographics, and keywords. Auto-targeting is another feature that shows ads to users based on their browsing behaviour.

2. Pinterest Personas: These are audience segments created using Pinterest's first-party data. They help businesses target specific user groups within their Ads Manager campaigns, making it easier to reach the right audience.

3. Interactive Insights: Known as the "Pinterest Trends" tool, this feature helps businesses identify what is trending on Pinterest, allowing them to tailor their content to match user interests. Filters like location and demographics make it easier to pinpoint what audiences are looking for.

Three Essential Tips for Launching a Pinterest Business

For entrepreneurs looking to harness the power of Pinterest, Laney offers three key tips:

1. Develop a Marketing Plan: Like any other social media platform, success on Pinterest starts with a well-thought-out marketing strategy. Plan your content, identify your target audience, and set clear goals for what you want to achieve on the platform.

2. Pin Engaging Content: Pinterest is a visual platform, so the quality of your content is crucial. Focus on creating visually appealing Pins that will attract and engage users. High-quality images, infographics, and eye-catching designs are essential.

3. Experiment with Pin Formats: Pinterest offers more than just static images. Try experimenting with different formats, such as videos or carousels, to see what resonates best with your audience. A video Pin might entice users to visit your website, while a carousel Pin could showcase multiple products in one post.