social security
Betty is a grandmother of three. GoFundMe

Despite spending her entire life working, 81-year-old Betty is still clocking in at a local Eat'n Park diner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While many her age enjoy retirement, Betty is waiting tables just to stay afloat – because her monthly Social Security income of £703 ($910) falls short of covering her basic expenses.

Her story went viral after a fellow diner, Tamie Konzier, and her young son overheard the elderly waitress explaining her situation to a nearby table. What followed was an outpouring of compassion that captured the internet's heart and ignited a movement to help Betty finally retire.

TikTok Video Sparks Outpouring Of Donations

'The table next to us asked why she was still working, and she told them she only makes £703 a month on Social Security and has to keep working because her bills exceed that,' Konzier explained in a TikTok video that has since amassed over 4.4 million views.

Konzier tipped Betty £30 ($40) and shared that she was aware of her difficult circumstances. This prompted Betty to speak more openly about her situation.

'I mean, I've worked all my life as a waitress, and I still can't retire,' she said. 'I'm 81, and I can still outdo these whippersnappers... Take care and enjoy your day, enjoy it because it will go by you fast.'

Motivated to do more, Konzier launched a GoFundMe campaign and pledged to donate any money she earned through TikTok's creator programme directly to Betty. Konzier and her son prayed the video would reach a wider audience – and it did.

'I cannot believe this happened,' she said in a tearful follow-up. 'Thank you, everyone, for your generosity. I don't even know her, and I'm crying.'

To date, the fundraiser has collected over £179,883 ($232,818), with more funds trickling in through Konzier's TikTok views and Venmo account. More than 9,700 people have donated, including one top contribution of £1,931 ($2,500).

Konzier has also contacted Betty's manager, and they are now working together to plan a surprise presentation of the funds.

Social Security Payments Fail To Cover Costs For Many

Betty's plight is not unique. Many older Americans are discovering they cannot afford to retire, thanks to rising living costs, insufficient savings, and meagre benefits from the government. According to the Social Security Administration, the average retirement benefit in January 2025 was £1,526 ($1,976) – more than twice what Betty currently receives.

The factors influencing each person's monthly payout include their lifetime earnings, how long they worked, and when they started claiming benefits. Those who begin collecting Social Security at age 62 can see their benefits reduced by up to 30%, compared to those who wait until the full retirement age of 67.

Retirement benefits are calculated based on a person's 35 highest-earning years. Years with little or no income drag the average down, which can significantly affect monthly payments – especially for those in low-wage or part-time roles, or who took time out of the workforce.

More Seniors Returning To Work

Betty is part of a growing trend. A recent survey by ResumeTemplates found that one in four Americans over 65 are still working. Of these, 22% had previously retired but returned to the workforce – a phenomenon known as 'unretiring'. Another 6% of retirees said they were likely to rejoin the workforce in 2025.

The reasons are wide-ranging: rising costs, boredom, and even fears over political changes affecting benefits have all been cited. Notably, 24% of surveyed retirees said they didn't save enough for retirement, and 29% said they need more income to pay down debt.

'Retirement is going to look different for everyone,' said Julia Toothacre, Chief Career Strategist at ResumeTemplates. 'Some people enjoy working, others are forced to keep working. Regardless, financial planning is critical.'

She added that age discrimination is also a growing concern for seniors re-entering the workforce. 'Older job seekers might face challenges due to assumptions that they're slower or more expensive to hire. It's unfortunate but true.'

A System That Relies On Virality

While Betty's story has a heartwarming twist, it underscores a much larger and more troubling reality. Many seniors, like her, are just one bill away from financial instability. The fact that Betty's retirement prospects now depend on viral kindness raises questions about the broader economic and social systems meant to protect the elderly.

Those close to her say Betty never complains, always works hard, and continues to care for others – even while struggling herself. 'She's worked so hard and takes care of so many people,' said Konzier. 'She deserves to rest.'

The diner where she works confirmed they have been overwhelmed by the public's interest, with one employee describing the response as 'insane'.

Thanks to the kindness of strangers, Betty may soon get the retirement she deserves. But until then, she remains on her feet – waiting tables, and waiting for the day she no longer has to.