Sarah Kim and Andrew Min
Sarah Kim and Andrew Min seem like a couple in love; however, the stark contrast in their roles has led to speculation about the true nature of their relationship dynamics. Sarah Kim's Instagram

TikTok star and influencer Sarah Kim, who recently made headlines over her relationship dynamics with her husband Andrew Min, gained public attention again with her new video.

Last week, Andrew became the subject of a heated debate. Sarah's fans raised concern because she is juggling two jobs and being pregnant. Fans claim that Andrew's financial contributions are seemingly not very evident as he only works as a pastor, which is allegedly not a paid position.

However, in a recent video shared on her TikTok account, Sarah has responded to the controversy surrounding her husband, Andrew, and netizens have reacted by saying 'she doesn't want to be saved.'

Sarah Kim Defends Husband In New Video

On Sunday, Sarah uploaded a video on her TikTok, sharing her side of the story on the allegations circulating against her husband for not providing enough for their family. Sarah admitted that she was aware of the 'situation' and recognised that some of her fans were genuinely concerned for her. 'I took this past week to unplug because my top priority is to protect the peace and the health of my family. But I'm aware of the situation, and I know that many of you come from a place of care. But I'm aware of the situation, and I know that many of you come from a place of care,' she said.

Moving further into the topic, Sarah explained that there was a time when she was unemployed, and Andrew stood by her during her struggle. And now, when he is in between jobs, she is more than happy to support him. 'Andrew and I, from the very beginning, have committed to being there for each other,' she added.' And right now, he's working a full-time job that he very much loves, which I love for him. And it's already come with so many blessings.'

Sarah Kim and Andrew Min
Sarah Kim, a popular TikTok influencer and her husband Andrew Kim has left internet divided by sharing their personal life details. Sarah Kim's Instagram

Sarah also clarified the viral video of Andrew, in which he made fun of her during a sermon. She said both of their jobs require them to face a public platform; for her, it is social media, and for her husband, it's the church. 'We have a system that we set in place quite some time ago where we will always run things by each other, especially if we're gonna be talking about each other or showing each other. And Andrew simply would never say anything that I wouldn't already be aware of or something that I wouldn't like,' Sarah explained.

She continued, 'The man who pampers me with daily massages from day one, this man has never let me even do a load of laundry. The man who's my absolute safe space and my home. And I cannot imagine having anyone else be my husband and the father of my future child.'

Netizens Reaction to Sarah's Video

As soon as Sarah uploaded her latest video on TikTok, netizens and many users posted their interpretations of her clarification. Many users seem unconvinced that Sarah's words are coming from a point of reality. The comments on her video proved to be too much for Sarah that she had to limit comments.

A user on TikTok reacted with a video saying, 'She doesn't want out of this relationship. She's stuck. She's not gonna get any help.' On which a user commented, 'Let her gaslight herself. I ain't falling for that. Blocked her so fast.'

Sarah KIm and Andrew
TikTok star Sarah Kim's husband Andrew Min has come under fire for not contributing while her pregnant wife works two jobs. anisafeminista's X formerly Twitter

Meanwhile, some netizens also questioned Andrew's absence in the video. 'Andrew wasn't even part of the video. As the man in the relationship, he is not stepping up to make any statements,' a user wrote. After uploading the video, Sarah's comment section was apparently packed with not-so-positive reactions, so she decided to turn off the comments.

For now, despite Sarah's efforts to clarify the situation, the debate surrounding their relationship continues to divide opinion.