Loud 'Bama Booms' heard across the world and no one seems to know what's causing them
There have been at least 64 recorded, unexplained "booms" in 2017 so far.

Loud noises have been recorded in different parts of the world that researchers have described as "booming sounds". They have been reported in the Middle East, Australia, the East midlands and the American East coast, with no clues of the source.
Dubbed the "Bama Boom", the sound has experts baffled. Explanations are ranging from exploding asteroids in the sky to sonic booms created by aircraft.
Last week, similar booms were heard in Alabama and Idaho, reports the Economic Times.
"Loud boom heard: we do not see anything indicating large fire/smoke on radar or satellite; nothing on USGS indicating an earthquake," the Birmingham National Weather Service, tweeted.
Nasa has reportedly cast its doubts on the meteor from the Leonid shower — the meteor exploding theory.
The booms, however, could be bolide explosions (large meteors that explode in the atmosphere, spate from the shower), Bill Cooke, head of Nasa's Meteoroid Environment Office, told American Broadcasting Corporation.

Earthquakes have been ruled out by US Geological Survey, which reportedly said that it noted the booms and were sure the sounds were not a result of a quake. They also pointed at the US military, saying that the noise could have been produced while conducting flight tests. The armed forces are yet to comment on this.
Researchers have reported at least 64 incidents in 2017 so far, says the ET report. Areas around Michigan, Lapland, St Ives, Swansea and Yorkshire have all recorded the mysterious "Bama Booms".
The city of Cairns in Australia recorded one such boom on 10 October. People seemed to have assumed it was the result of fighter jets, specifically the FA-18 Hornet, flying by. In just two weeks, Eyre Peninsula in South Australia experienced a similar boom, but the ET report mentions that a blue meteor flashed across the sky at the same time.
Cooke said that Nasa's meteor scientists will continue to analyse the available data and they hope to find out the cause of these mysterious noises.
Only last week, reports of a meteor exploding uncomfortably close to a passenger jet near Heathrow emerged, but there was no loud boom nor any reports of other disturbances.