Man of Steel 2: Best Fan-Made Batsuit Designs For Batman vs Superman

One of the biggest talking points about the much-awaited Man of Steel 2 or the tentatively titled Batman vs Superman is the new Batsuit.
The Batsuit has always been a very important element in all Batman films with the design for the caped crusader's costume only getting better with every reinvention. Granted there have been a few slip-ups here and there (the Batsuit George Clooney wore in Batman and Robin).
Die-hard fans need to wait just a bit longer to see the new Batsuit that Ben Affleck will wear in the Man of Steel sequel as reports have suggested that the costume will be revealed in April.
Till then, here is a roundup of some Batsuit designs that fans would like to see in the upcoming superhero film.
While most of them borrow heavily from the character's various comic book looks, it would still be pretty awesome to see a different version of the Bat on the big screen:
I would not mind Ben Affleck's Batsuit to be that from 'Batman: Noël.' Here is Fan-art of it. @InTheComix
— Russell Berger (@KingDarkhart) November 3, 2013
NEWS FLASH -Citizens of Gotham - #BatmanvsSuperman #BatmanArkhamKnight -Early concept designs of the #batsuit — Vicki Vale (@TheGothamNews) March 22, 2014
This Batsuit would be perfect for 'Batman Vs Superman'.
— SuperHero Report (@SuperheroReport) March 8, 2014
Affleck in costume is coming soon, in the meantime, enjoy some fan art. via SHH user: whoa123 #batman #benaffleck — Batman Notes (@BATMANNOTES) February 14, 2014
Awesome 'Batman Vs Superman' fan art!
— SuperHero Report (@SuperheroReport) March 13, 2014
Directed by Zack Snyder, the film's starcast includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot and Jesse Eisenberg. Batman vs Superman will open in the UK on 6 May, 2016.
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