Behind a blue door in a narrow London passage lies a little-known network of tunnels deep underground, once home to British spies and a secret long-distance telephone exchange.
From physical attacks and verbal abuse to incidents involving weapons, the rise in violence highlights a growing crisis in the treatment of those who dedicate their lives to saving others.
Lloyds is closing 136 more branches, following a trend of banks reducing physical locations as app usage rises.
Half of Britons struggled to pay with cash in 2024, highlighting a growing reliance on digital payments, but the government refuses to mandate cash acceptance.
The study compared the economic situation in the UK and the European Union through the infographic 'Purchasing Power and Cost of Living: UK vs EU.
Research commissioned by Thames Water has suggested that there are a million illegal immigrants living in the United Kingdom, with around half of them in London alone.
Ana Botin, executive chair of Spanish bank Santander has denied reports that the company is considering leaving the British market as a result of low returns and excessive regulation.
A study published in the British medical journal suggests that taxi and ambulance drivers may be at less risk from Alzheimer's because of the demands of their work.
The Telegraph has highlighted a case of a private buy to let landlord evicting their 90-year-old tenant, due to Labour's ending of no fault evictions.
While some drivers could be exempt from paying car tax, older cars (2001-2017) with specific number plates (e.g., '17', '67') may face a £600 tax increase.
Despite Prince Harry and Meghan 'stepping back' from their royal duties, they continue facing massive backlash in the UK, the U.S. and Canada.
Abriella Monroe, 32, and her husband, Sebastien, 36, were barred from boarding a Ryanair flight because Sebastien's passport had a 'slight rip'.
Prince Harry's hotly anticipated lawsuit trial against a British tabloid publisher alleging it carried out unlawful information gathering will start Tuesday, after years of legal wrangling during which dozens of other claimants settled.
Latonya Skye-Paterson, a 20-year-old student, was surprised to discover a £955 Child Trust Fund she didn't know existed. It turns out she's not alone.
Spanish banking giant Santander is reportedly considering quitting Great Britain due to the impact of 'excessive red tape' on its profitability.
A teenager pleaded guilty Monday to the "unspeakable" killing of three young girls in a stabbing spree last year that sparked the UK's most violent riots in a decade.
UK patients are "coming to harm" with hospitals so overwhelmed people are dying in corridors awaiting treatment amid a "collapse in care standards", a report said Thursday.
The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, on Wednesday said that her cancer has entered the remission stage.