'Overwatch 2' heroes Bastion, Torbjorn will return to the game this month
Only a few days after "Overwatch 2" early access launch, the two well popular characters have been temporarily removed from the game.
"Overwatch 2" heroes Bastion and Torbjorn will soon be coming back to the game. Blizzard confirmed that the two will be returning after they were previously disabled due to game-breaking bugs.
The initial weeks of Overwatch 2's release were not without difficulty due to server problems, bugs, and errors. The ability kits of the heroes Bastion and Torbjorn were among the most significant issues that "Overwatch 2" had at launch.
Only a few days after Overwatch 2's 'early access' launch, two well popular characters have been temporarily removed from the game. Bastion and Torbjorn are no longer playable in competitive play; Torbjorn is now only playable in Quick Play while Blizzard irons out the bugs.
They were temporarily banned in the sequel due to "a few bugs in their ability kits," according to the official Overwatch Twitter account, which announced the news on October 10. Bastion was able to fire his Artillery ultimate continually, which led to some incredibly one-sided battles. While Torb's problems have been less frequent, many have complained about his Overload skill, with some players reportedly able to prolong the effect and get unexpected extra armor in some circumstances.
"Overwatch 2" devs have recently confirmed that the two fan favorites would be coming back to the game, Dexerto reported. The announcement was made on the Overwatch forum page.
"We have temporarily disabled Junkertown in all queues due to a bug that was causing graphic performance issues. Our goal is to re-enable the map, along with Torbjorn and Bastion, with our next planned update on October 25th," Blizzard wrote. "Our apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your continued support."
Despite a shaky beginning, "Overwatch 2" has gained enormous popularity since its release. In just 10 days, 25 million gamers have joined the game, breaking records set by the original Overwatch game.
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