Alastair Stevenson

271-300 (out of 358)

Top Five Video Game RPGs: Christmas 2011 Buyer's Guide

Though it's been a busy year for game developers, 2011's actually seen a pretty light RPG offering, with developers more interested in adding role-playing dynamics to other genres than making an RPG proper. That said there have been a few stand-out titles that no true RPG fan should be without come 25 December.

Galaxy Nexus vs iPhone 4S: A Full Buyers Guide

With the the bell rung and the Galaxy Nexus vs iPhone 4S grudge match firmly underway, the IBTimes takes you through the opening stats, offering a complete buyers guide detailing the current deals and plans on both devices.

Nokia Lumia 800 Fated to Fail

Following its release today, numerous analysts have issued fresh prophesies suggesting Nokia's Lumia 800 will ultimately go the way of the Dodo, succumbing to the curse of the Windows Phone.

Sony Ericsson Joins Google's Ice Cream Sandwich Armada

With just two days left until Samung's Galaxy Nexus makes its opening assault on Apple's iPhone, Sony Ericsson has pledged to join the assault, confirming its Xperia series of devices will be upgraded to Google's new Ice Cream Sandwich operating system.
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