> Best Picture Galleries of 2016
Best Picture Galleries of 2016
Portraits of lovable Battersea dogs who were left behind at Christmas
Getty Images photographer Dan Kitwood has taken portraits of some of the dogs who have were living at the rescue centre over the Christmas period.
Best of the best in 2016: The year's biggest photography competition winners
Award-winning wildlife, landscape, travel and news photography from around the world.
The year in pictures: The 100 most memorable photos of 2016
IBTimes UK takes a look back at the 100 most iconic news and sports images of 2016.
Women and children – and rebel fighters – pour out of the city of Aleppo
Thousands of civilians and rebel fighters have left Aleppo in convoys of buses and ambulances in the past 24 hours.
Before and after Brexit: Photo highlights of British politics in 2016
Protests, resignations and Nigel Farage – here are the best (and worst) photos documenting British politics before and after the vote.
Caught on camera: Funniest photos of world leaders from 2016
Here are some of the funniest photographs and moments from the past 12 months, that most world leaders would rather forget.
Kuwait in flames: Dramatic photos of a desert inferno
Kuwait: A Desert on Fire, sees Sebastião Salgado's travel closely with firefighters in one of the worst environmental disasters in living memory.
Fidel Castro's final journey: Near-religious levels of adulation as Cubans bid farewell
The scenes are reminiscent of the death of Bobby Kennedy as his body was transported by train to from New York City Washington, DC, in 1968.
Fire and brimstone: Stunning photos of an illegal coal-fired steel plant
Authorities are pushing to shut down privately owned steel factories in an effort to meet China's carbon dioxide emissions targets.
Under toxic black skies, children play around oil fields set alight by Isis as they fled
Children with blackened faces play in and around puddles of thick crude oil gushing from the breached wells.
Onward Christian Soldiers: Waging holy war on Islamic State in Iraq
Bands of Christian fighters travel across the desert in pickup trucks bearing large wooden crosses.
Abandoned Asylums: Inside infamous psychiatric facilities across the US
A new book of haunting photographs takes readers inside derelict and abandoned state hospitals, asylums, and psychiatric facilities.
Heartbreaking photos of baby orangutans left orphaned by poachers
This week has been designated as Orangutan Caring Week. Find out what you can do to help protect these critically endangered animals.
Photo Vogue: Sneak preview of the ultimate fashion photography festival
Helmed by Vogue Italia's editor-in-chief Franca Sozzani, the event showcases works by Vanessa Beecroft, Juno Calypso and Yelena Yumchuk.
US election 2016: Best photos from Clinton and Trump's presidential race
From crying delegates to the ridiculous merchandise – here are the most memorable photos.
Man Ray to Martin Parr: Preview of the world's largest photography fair
Paris Photo runs from 10-13 November at the Grand Palais in Paris.
Beautiful photos of orphaned baby chimpanzees at West African sanctuary
The centre looks after 50 baby chimpanzees who were snatched from their families for the pet trade or orphaned when their mothers were killed for bushmeat.
Landscape Photographer of the Year winners capture Britain's beautiful scenery
Overall winner is Matthew Cattell with his shot of starlings over Brighton's derelict West Pier.
Aberfan: 50th anniversary of mining disaster that wiped out a generation
Fifty years on from the tragedy, we look back at one of the darkest days in modern Welsh history.
Amazing shot of an orangutan high above the rainforest is voted wildlife photo of the year
Tim Laman's vertigo-inducing shot of an orangutan high above the rainforest has won him Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2016.
Is Duterte's war on drugs really a war on the poor? [Graphic images]
Drug use is often a symptom of social problems, not the cause. Where there is demand, there will be supply.
Amazing microscope images reveal beauty in unlikely places, like cow dung
Help choose the best microscope images, from a centipede's fearsome poison fangs to dung-dwelling fungi.
Soho Then and Now: Interactive photos of London's historic West End
Taking archive images, photographer Carl Court revisited the streets of Soho to show the changing face of this vibrant area.
Hurricane Matthew: Haiti faces worst humanitarian crisis in years after entire towns destroyed
The storm ripped through the Caribbean country on 4 October and has destroyed thousands of homes.
Trans-Siberian Railway: Photos documenting journey from Lake Baikal to Moscow
IBTimes UK presents some of the breathtaking images taken by photographer Tom Roe during his journey.
Lake Baikal: The world's oldest and deepest freshwater lake, in pictures
Located in southern Siberia, Lake Baikal is so large it is often mistaken for the sea.
Dramatic photos of running battles between students and police at Wits University over tuition fees
South African police fired stun grenades, rubber bullets and tear gas at rock-throwing students.
Get away from it all on Britain's most remote inhabited island
The island of Foula is home to huge colonies of seabirds, hundreds of Shetland ponies and about 30 people.
Incredible photos of Catalonia's colourful and complex human towers
The most dangerous job – climbing to the pinnacle of the tower before the whole thing collapses – is done by a girl as young as five.
Inside North Korea: Fascinating photos capture daily life in Pyongyang
These photos of daily in life in Pyongyang are remarkable for just how unremarkable everything seems – on the surface.