But the Prime Minister stresses that everyone in the NHS will get at least a 1% pay rise.
Number 10 Policy Board member says Conservatives Party should consider axing high rate on middle class
Labour leader accused of fudge over whether voters get to decide on membership of EU
Charges against Tottenham Hotspur fans dropped, but why is word offensive?
Cameron still not as popular than these pages despite spending thousands to improve his figures.
New speeds will download movies in less than a second
CBRE survey shows commercial property investors saw UK less attractive if quits EU.
Prime minister replies to Sir Patrick Stewart tweet with photo with Bill Clinton.
Immigration minister James Brokenshire has blamed a wealthy elite for employing foreign workers.
Prime Minister David Cameron posted photo of him calling Barack Obama on Twitter
Before being arrested on child porn allegations, Cameron aide was widely tipped to become a peer.
EU leaders to thrash out unified response to Russian invasion of Crimea with 'nothing off the table'
Prime minister 'looking forward' to accepting recommendation of Low Pay Commission
Prime minister David Cameron 'profoundly shocked' by arrest of senior adviser.
Polling produces worrying word associations for Britain's political leaders.
Officers from the National Crime Agency searched Downing Street's IT system and Rock's Number 10 office.
The Scottish National Party will bring the fight for independence to London at New Statesman event
Fitch ratings agency expects a "limited negative effect" on insurers' earnings
Prime minister David Cameron repeats demands for Russia and Ukraine to start talks immediately
Prime Minister pressing for economic and financial rather than military sanctions against Russia.
ABB says betting industry has come together as one to promote responsible gambling.
Political Editor Nick Assinder casts a beady eye over the political machinations of the Westminster week