> house prices
house prices
UK housing: Landlords making best returns in 17 months as rents and house prices rise
Chancellor George Osborne has hit landlords with several tax hikes, including stamp duty.
Soaring house prices will drag down mortgage lending as 'affordability pressures' bite
Council of Mortgage Lenders report 30% rise in mortgage lending in February 2016.
Budget 2016: George Osborne extends buy-to-let stamp duty hike to large-scale purchases
Those buying over 15 properties had been exempt from extra tax under original plans.
Balfour Beatty cuts losses but UK issues might create turbulence for turnaround plan
Balfour's board is expected to reinstate dividend at the interim results in August 2016.
Mini buy-to-let boom as clock ticks on new EU mortgage lending rules and stamp duty hike
Sharp rise in mortgage approvals in February reported by e.surv chartered surveyor.
George Osborne's buy-to-let tax hikes sees fifth of London landlords set to offload property
National Landlords Association data shows big increase in London landlords planning to sell.
UK housing: Millions more face higher rents in 'perfect storm for a major renting crisis'
CEBR predicts 7 million renting households by 2025 as high house prices keep first-time buyers locked out.
Foxtons: Estate agent's revenue jumps as soaring house prices expected to weigh down sales
Foxtons also said that the company's results could be hurt if the UK votes to leave the EU
London property: 'New build crisis' looms amid talk of oversupply of pricey luxury flats
London Central Portfolio says property investors paying "a heavy premium for newness".
London housing crisis: Devolve stamp duty to mayor to solve property shortage, says report
London Housing Commission launches final report on how city can build 50,000 new homes a year.
UK house prices growing strongly but affordability and higher supply issues loom
Halifax and Nationwide house price reports show solid growth amid ongoing imbalance between supply and demand.
'Rent trap' catches aspiring first-time buyers who paid over £40,000 to landlords in five years
Shelter says high rents and house prices keeping renters from buying their own homes as landlords cash in.
Market round-up: Housebuilders weigh down FTSE 100 as construction PMI slumps
On the FTSE 250, Virgin Money jumped, after the company reported a solid set of results.
First-time buyers suffer sharp increase in mortgage size as house prices soar
House price rises seeing first-time buyers becoming more laden with debt than before.
EU referendum: London property market faces slowdown ahead of Brexit vote in June
Survey shows 47% of London homeowners will delay buying or selling property until after referendum.
London: Prime central property has worst half-year performance since 2009 as asking prices cut
Knight Frank says sellers cutting asking prices for prime central London property by as much as 10%.
Buy-to-let rush to beat stamp duty hike forces estate agent housing supply to 14-year low
National Association of Estate Agents reports fewest number of properties per branch since 2002.
House-building in England hits seven-year high, but Shelter brands figures 'not good enough'
Government data shows increase in housing starts and completions, but they're still not enough to match demand.
UK housing: Rents rise as supply of private rental property drops in January
Association of Residential Letting Agents reports fewer rental properties per branch at start of 2016.
Barratt Developments sees half-year profits soar by 40% to £295m on UK house price rise
According to Halifax, house price growth increased to 9.7% in the year to January.
EU referendum: What a Brexit means for the residential property market in the UK
UK housing market underpinned by strong demand and weak supply, but London property may suffer.
Persimmon: Builder's profit surges as house prices continue to climb
Revenue climbed 13% to £2.9bn over the year, Persimmon reported on 23 February.
English Housing Survey: The rise of Generation Rent and workers relying on housing benefit
Latest English Housing Survey from Communities Department reveals grim trend.
London property: Chelsea garage doubles guide price to fetch £360,000 at Savills auction
Single-story garage off Brompton Road in west London listed for auction at £180,000.
UK housing: Renting parents forced to move often 'putting huge pressure on family life'
Shelter survey shows the pressure parents are under having to move often and pay high rents.
London housing crisis: Give mayor power to seize commercial property for new homes, says report
Policy Exchange think tank calls for more powers for London mayor to compulsorily buy commercial land.
UK house prices: Headline growth slows but north east property stuck below pre-crisis peak
ONS house price index for December 2015 shows 6.7% average growth, down from 7.7%.
London property: Is it crash, correction or carry on as normal in the prime market?
House prices in some prime central London areas have tumbled, but in others boomed. What's going on?
Property market 'hits ground running' in 2016 as UK house prices accelerate
Rightmove reports average house price hitting new high despite increase in supply of homes for sale.
First-time buyers will spend £53,000 on 'alarmingly unaffordable' rent before buying a home
Rising house prices shutting aspiring first-time buyers out and making them rent for longer.