BRC finds falling shop price inflation for a year in April.
Markit said output growth was at its fastest pace in three years during April.
Real GDP in EU is set to grow 1.6% in 2014 and to improve further to 2% in 2015.
Pay, wages, remuneration – call it what you like, but the cost of living is back in the news.
GfK UK consumer confidence index rises in April off back of string of positive economic data.
UK retail sales were up in March, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.
Households most optimistic about their finances in more than five years, says Markit.
The ONS says Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) increased by 1.6% in the year to March 2014.
Average earnings will rise above inflation this year - the first time since 2008.
Singapore largely depends on external trade for its economic growth.
British Retail Consortium shows shops continuing to cut prices because of consumer finance squeeze, despite UK recovery.
Recession hit eurozone takes a slight knock as inflation decreases.
Higher inflation in Australia is outpacing cost of living increases in biggest developed economies, according to Bloomberg.
India's CAD declined to $4.2bn or 0.9% of GDP for fiscal quarter ended in December.
The ONS says that CPI inflation dropped to 1.7% in February, down from 1.9% in January.
Ed Miliband needs to adopt a new riff to take on Cameron and Clegg as wages catch up with inflation.
Business Secretary Vince Cable says the move marks the start of a welcome new phase in minimum wage policy.
PWC says the economic recovery so far has been rich in jobs, but poor in productivity and wages.
The average price of a pint is £2.87, a huge hike due to inflation in the UK
Prime minister 'looking forward' to accepting recommendation of Low Pay Commission
Business Secretary Vince Cable reveals LPC recommendation on UK minimum wage rise to £6.50.
ONS reports UK retail sales rising 4.8% across year in January amid economic and consumer revival.