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Algeria-Libya: Will the accusations of Algeria sending troops impact on the countries relationship?

Although the transitional council headed by Gaddafi's former Justice Minister has in the space of just under four months made a lot of new friends and with the coalition forces now backing it and countries such as China and Russia slowly opening up to it as well, the would be sucessor to Gaddafi has still made quite a few enemies in the African continent itself. While the African Union is becoming more vocal on the need for Gaddafi to step out of power, tensions between several African govern...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Highs and lows of his political career

Born in Neuilly-sur-Seine, on the 25th of April 1949 he spent part of his childhood in Agadir, Morocco. He was raised by socialist parents and accumulated diplomas from France's most prestigious schools including from Paris' top business and political schools, HEC and Sciences-Po but failed the entrance exam to l'ENA, which grooms France's future presidents. He went on to get a degree in public law and a PHD in economics.

Has the war in Afghanistan failed on its own terms?

With 2011 well under way it might be worth reflecting on the fact that this year will mark the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 11 September and the beginning of the still raging war in Afghanistan.

Why the UAE Banned Blackberrys

The BlackBerry uses proprietary software that encrypts all wireless transmissions from Blackberry devices which the UAE can't break.