> Pennsylvania
US 2012: Job Market Boost May Spell Disaster for Romney
Barack Obama's chances of winning second term boosted by jobless claimant figures hitting four-year low.
HackVDay: Anonymous Hackers Punish US Weapons Maker
On the anniversary of the Bahrain uprising, Anonymous hackers have targeted Combined Systems, defacing the weapons maker's site.
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2012: Cutest Dogs Steal the Show
The 136th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show kickstarted on Monday, at Madison Square Garden in New York.
Purple Squirrel Set Free, Leaves behind Mystery [PHOTOS]
There is apparently a purple-coloured squirrel running around Jersey Shore. The only problem is... no one knows how this mysterious creature got its peculiar pigment.
US 2012: Mitt Romney Slightly up on Votes over Four Years Ago
Republican rivals claim nomination for presidential candidate still up for grabs as frontrunner's relatively weak vote tally revealed.
US 2012 Analysis: Rick Santorum in Attack Ad Firing Line [VIDEO]
Rick Santorum's surprise wins in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri means two things.
These Animals Can Predict Your Future [PHOTOS]
Punxsutawney Phil's, the groundhog in Pennsylvania, U.S. predicted winter for six more weeks. There had been instances where animals have been used to predict the future. While several people perished in the 2004 Tsunami, dogs, buffaloes, goats were all unharmed. There were reports that animals sensed the tsunami long before people became aware of it.
Groundhog Day 2012: Phil Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter [PHOTOS]
Every year, on February 2, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob, to predict the weather for the rest of the season.
US 2012: Romney 'Will not be Nominee'
Christian organisation Family Leader president says Mitt Romney will not be Republican nominee despite leading polls.
US 2012: Mitt Romney Lead Shrinks as Candidates Make Final Push in South Carolina
Front-runner Mitt Romney and his Republican presidential pursuers have entered into the final full day of campaigning
Election 2012: Full Primary and Caucus Guide
Follow the US primary election coverage with the IBTimes UK calendar.
Mark Wahlberg Apologises Over ‘Disrespectful’ 9/11 Comments
Actor Mark Wahlberg has apologised over comments saying he could have prevented the 9/11 attacks.
White House Gunman Charged with Barack Obama Assassination Bid
Oscar Ortega-Hernandez accused of firing shots into White House to kill President Obama.
US Presidential Race: Mitt Romney Ahead in New Hampshire
Mitt Romney leads pack of six Republican runners in nomination race for the White House.
Lady Gaga To Move In With Vampire Diaries Star
Marry the Night singer and Taylor Kinney have been house-hunting, according to reports.
Iowa Republican Caucuses: Romney Pips Santorum to Win
Mitt Romney scrapes through first race in Republican nomination for US presidential candidate by eight votes.
Iowa: First Test for Republican Presidential Candidates
Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum lead pack for 120,000 voters in Iowa caucuses.
Lady Gaga Treats her British Chauffeur To Year’s Supply Of Nappies
Popstar Lady Gaga has brought her British chauffeur a year's supply of nappies after hearing he was about to become a dad for the first time.
Ex Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Death Sentence Dropped
Prosecutors in Philadelphia announced Wednesday they had decided to stop efforts to execute Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been on death row after being convicted of killing a police officer 30 years ago.
Amish Cult Charged with Hate Crimes for Hair Cut Attacks [VIDEO]
A breakaway Amish cult in Ohio headed by leader Samuel Mullet terrorised the local Amish population by forcibly cutting the hair of men and women in night-time raids.
Man who Tried to Assassinate President Barack Obama was 'on Mission from God'
Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, 21, charged with attempting to assassinate Barack Obama by firing shots at the White House, believed President was the "anti-Christ."
Former World Boxing Champion 'Smokin' Joe Frazier dies
Former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier has died.
NASA: Aliens Might Destroy Humanity to Protect Other Species
NASA scientists have warned we should curb our greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent aliens from attacking and potentially blowing us up, according to a new report, the Guardian reported.
Virgin Galactic ‘SpaceshipTwo Space Tour:’ K. Sunshine is the New CFO
Virgin Galactic, the world's first commercial spaceline, has appointed its first Chief Financial Officer.
Amy Winehouse Dead: Should Drug Users Be Vaccinated Against Addiction?
As further information emerges following Amy Winehouse's untimely death, the issue of whether addicts should be vaccinated to help them recover remains largely unresolved.
Centrica share price up on FTSE 100 after Gateway acquisition
Shares in Centrica were down on the FTSE 100 in morning trading after the energy company said its North American subsidiary, Direct Energy, would be acquiring energy retailer Gateway Energy Services Corporation for $90 million.
The Top 5 Universities for Undergraduate Internships
Presenting a look at the list of top 5 national universities in terms of the proportion of undergraduate students who have internship experience and the support available to them.