> Twitter Reacts
Twitter Reacts
'Sicko': Trump roasted for proudly taking credit for 2017 being the safest year in airline travel
"If Trump was a rooster, he'd try to take credit for the sunrise," one Twitter user wrote in response to the US president's remarks.
'You're resigning?': Trump trolled after boasting 2018's 'going to be something very, very special'
"Yes, we have a very, very special counsel for just that purpose," one Twitter user chimed.
'Lordy!': James Comey throws subtle shade at Trump in New Year message and Twitter is going nuts
"The shade is strong with this one," one Twitter user wrote.
'Miss you so much': Barack Obama shares thread of uplifting stories and Twitter couldn't handle it
"Thank you for being a ray of positivity in a dark world," one Twitter user wrote.
'Please, just resign': Ivanka Trump mercilessly trolled over her New Year's resolution for 2018
"Being a corrupt, complicit fraud must be absolutely exhausting," one Twitter user wrote.
'F**k off': Twitter roasts Vanity Fair for 'sexist' video suggesting Hillary Clinton take up knitting
"Telling a woman what to do — specifically a woman of her accomplishments — is sexist and gross," one Twitter user wrote.
'Lazy liar': Trump blasted for playing golf after vowing he'd get 'back to work' after Christmas
"When does this dude work?" one Twitter user questioned.
'Wow. Just wow': Ivanka Trump's holiday photos included a Confederate flag and Twitter is going nuts
"That confederate flag in the background adds a whole new element to a white Christmas," one Twitter user wrote.
'Have you met your boss?': Sarah Sanders roasted for telling Democrat to 'spend less time tweeting'
"This may qualify as the stupidest thing she's ever said," one Twitter user said.
'Whoa': Twitter reacts to ex-intel chief James Clapper saying Putin handles Trump like 'an asset'
"Clapper has a half-century of experience in US intelligence. His words must be heeded," one Twitter user wrote.
'F**k that sh*t': Tech executive blasted over 'awful' approach to work during the holiday season
"These two weeks ARE a gift. Spend them with your kids, you macho goon," Creature of London CEO Dan Cullen-Shute tweeted.
'Get the man a sippy cup': Trump awkwardly drinks water like a child and Twitter has a field day
"What is it with Trump and his two-handed chipmunk-like style of drinking water?" one Twitter user wrote.
'Have you no shame?': Trump roasted for using deadly Amtrak derailment to tout infrastructure plan
"He's never not an a**hole. Never," Andy Lassner, an executive producer for The Ellen Show, tweeted.
Sassy American biscuit maker brilliantly trolls users who insult them on social media
Tennessee-based MoonPie has hit back at customers who insulted their products - with some hilarious results.
'This is not normal': Twitter in disbelief over Trump and Putin's friendly calls amid Russia probe
"This is not even remotely normal. There's something going on here," one Twitter user said.
'That's how a Jedi Master does it': Ted Cruz tried to take down Mark Hamill and got burned instead
"Ted Cruz, the Jar Jar Binks of the Republican party," one Twitter user wrote.
'What planet are you living on?' Sarah Sanders blasted over 'dangerous' claim that Trump defeated Isis
Twitter blasted Sarah Huckabee Sanders over her tweet about the most "underreported" Trump stories of 2017.
'F*****g moron': Trump Jr viciously slammed for blaming 'Obama's FCC chair' for net 'neutality' repeal
"You misspelled #NetNeutrality, you genetically altered butternut squash," one Twitter use fired back.
'Putin's puppet:' Trump blasted after thanking Putin for saying 'nice things' about the US economy
"Was this Trump's performance review?" one Twitter user questioned.
Sean Spicer thinks A Christmas Carol is an actual collection of carols - and Twitter is lapping it up
His post to Instagram seemed to suggest Charles Dickens's novel A Christmas Carol is a book about Christmas hymns.
'Dumb**s': Trump mocked for misspelling 'media' in furious attack on negative 'fake news' coverage
Twitter couldn't stop taunting the president over his latest spelling error while ranting about "fake news."
Anderson Cooper claims his Twitter account was hacked to call Trump a 'tool' and 'pathetic loser'
"Come on Anderson. We're ok with you telling the truth..." one Twitter user said.
'Thank you, Alabama': Twitter reacts to Democrat Doug Jones' 'inspiring' win over Trump pick Roy Moore
"The tears I have right now are extraordinarily different from the tears last November," one Twitter user wrote. "Let's take our country back, America."
'Sexist moron': Twitter furiously blasts Trump over his 'disgusting' attack on Senator Gillibrand
"After writing this, do you still want us to believe that wasn't you in the Access Hollywood video?" one Twitter user wrote.
'WTF': Twitter left cringing after pro-Trump group sends 12-year-old girl to interview Roy Moore
Twitter slammed the video as "tone-deaf" and "cringeworthy" in light of the sexual allegations levied against Moore.
'Schmuck': Trump taunted over old tweet after claiming he never watches 'dumb' CNN anchor Don Lemon
"How do you know he's so dumb if you never watch him? #impressive" British tennis star Andy Murray tweeted.
'You're the stain': Twitter fires back at Trump for slamming news media as 'a stain on America'
"The liar of all liars complaining about an honest mistake," one person tweeted.
'F**king disgrace': Trump slammed as supporters chant 'lock her up' after he mocked Hillary Clinton
"Will any of them EVER grow up?" one person asked.
'Hypocrite in chief': Trump trolled after old tweet on Obama's White House Hanukah party resurfaces
"A tweet for every occasion," one Twitter user said.
'Donald Trump, you are fired': Twitter looks ahead with viral #2018PredictionsIn5Words hashtag
"Hopefully better days to come," one Twitter user wrote.