Valentine's Day 2016: Top 10 dating tips for singles

Valentine's Day is all about love and lovers. It is about buying gifts, enjoying romantic dinners, taking your loved one shopping, and above all spending some quality time with your special someone.
But what if you are single? Not many people have thought about those who are not in a relationship. Hence, IBTimes UK spoke to SpeedDater's Dani Waller aka The Date Whisperer, who offered ten 10 tips that will help singles have a great and memorable Valentine's Day this year.
The love advocate runs a free online dating consultancy and has claimed to have matched over 40,000 singles in the UK. Based on her experience, she has shared some top tips for single men and women to enjoy a stress-free Valentine's Day. Check them out below:

1. Log on to Netflix and chill: Spend the day glued to the couch deciding carefully between Netflix and Amazon. Marathon your favourite series or see how many Lord Of The Rings you can fit into one day... Snacks are mandatory, pants are optional.
2. Plan a mandate: Plan a day out with your single mates... the manlier the better! Check time out to see what's on, or head to the theatre for a macho movie*. Think along the lines of Deadpool, The Revenant etc.
*You may encounter hordes of loved up couples if you choose this option, you've been warned!
3. Buy yourself a present: While your lovesick friends are spending big to impress their ladies, you can treat yourself to the latest video game or tech gadget you've been lusting over. Spoil yourself with something to enjoy.
4. Throw a party: Get some music, mixers and have a party for all your single friends. You never know, you could meet that special someone while busting some moves in your living room.
5. Try something new: Just because you are single this Valentine's Day it doesn't mean you can't head out on a date. Get yourself to a singles eventhappening all around the country – Take your friends, or go it alone!
6. The first date should be short, sweet and cheap: A quick drink or coffee provides a natural opportunity to get to know each other, without the risk of awkward first-date silences. Don't try too hard to impress early on – just be yourself and save the grand gestures for later dates.
7. Smile loads, don't take it too seriously: It sometimes takes a while for you to find a person you gel well with – especially when first date nerves get in the way! Finding yourself on a number of first dates can be repetitive, but keeping positive and having a smile on your face will work wonders. You'll appear open and friendly, which will put your date at ease and help the conversation flow. Keep first dates light with plenty of banter – it's better to discover what you've got in common and avoid anything too deep on a first date (religion, politics etc.)
8. Tall, dark and ...average: Everything about his personality, interests and values matches you perfectly, but he doesn't quite hit the spot in the looks department... If Cupid's arrow doesn't strike immediately, give him a chance. As you get to know him he may grow on to you, not everyone experiences love at first sight! Plus remember that physical attraction is important but it's not everything. Just think: When you're 80 and everything's gone south, would you rather be with the person who makes you laugh or the person who once had a 10/10 figure?
9. Widen your circle: It's easy to get stuck in a rut of going to the same bars with the same circle of friends, only to be approached by the same faces. Why not skip Friday work drinks and make the effort to go to your friend's potentially stuffy dinner party? Socialising in different circles could be the key as your friends may know someone who is absolutely perfect for you.
10. Love is not a game: Telling the odd white lie can seem harmless (and who doesn't exaggerate from time to time?!), but honesty really is the best policy when looking for love. If you try to be someone you're not the other person will almost certainly see through it; trust that your date will like you for you - not the person you think they want to meet.
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