West Virginia & Nebraska primaries as it happened: Sanders and Trump claim victory

- Primaries were held in West Virginia for both parties and in Nebraska for the Republican Party. Polls closed at 7.30pm EDT/12.30am BST in West Virginia and at 9pm EDT/2am BST in Nebraska.
- There are 29 delegates up for grabs in West Virginia for Democrats and 34 for Republicans. In Nebraska, 36 delegates are available to the GOP.
- In West Virginia, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were declared the winners. Meanwhile, in Nebraska, Trump was quickly declared the victor after polling closed.
- For a full breakdown of today's primaries, check out our complete guide here.
* Ted Cruz and John Kasich appear on the ballots, despite both dropping out of the race last week.
That's a wrap for our live coverage of tonight's primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska. Democrat Bernie Sanders posted his 19th win tonight, taking home a majority of the state's 29 delegates. On the GOP side, Donald Trump took home all 36 delegates in Nebraska and at least 3 of West Virginia's 34 delegates.
Next up: Oregon (both parties) and Kentucky (Democrats) on 17 May.
We have now won primaries and caucuses in 19 states. Let me be as clear as I can be: we are in this campaign to win the Democratic presidential nomination, and we are going to fight for every last vote in Oregon, Kentucky, California, the Dakotas. Now we fully acknowledge, we are good at arithmetic, that we have an uphill climb ahead of us. But we are used to fighting uphill climbs. We have been fighting uphill from the first day of this campaign when people considered us a fringe candidacy. And our message to the Democratic delegates... is while we have many areas of disagreement with secretary Clinton, there is one area where we agree, and that is we must defeat Donald Trump. And I am very happy to tell you we will defeat Donald Trump.
- Bernie Sanders on his victory tonight to a crowd in Salem, Oregon.

It is a great honor to have won both West Virginia and Nebraska, especially by such massive margins. My time spent in both states was a wonderful and enlightening experience for me. I learned a lot, and that knowledge will be put to good use towards the creation of businesses, jobs, and the strengthening and revival of their economies. I look forward to returning to West Virginia and Nebraska soon, and hope to win both states in the general election. Likewise, my time spent last week with the great people of Oregon will hopefully lead to another victory next Tuesday.
- Donald Trump on his victories tonight.
There's good and bad news coming out of Nebraska for Clinton. The good news? She "won" the Nebraska primary tonight. The bad news? It doesn't count. The state held a caucus in March, which Sanders won. However, many are pointing out that the turnout for the caucus was much lower than the turnout for the primary tonight.
Turnout for the NE caucuses was about 22k -- Sanders won by 14.
— Steve Kornacki (@SteveKornacki) May 11, 2016
In tonight's primary it's on pace to be about 70k -- Clinton up 22 points.
For Democrat candidates Sanders and Clinton, primaries aren't so much about winning states, but more about accumulating the most delegates. Despite his win tonight, Sanders will be splitting West Virginia's 29 delegates with Clinton. With 42% reporting, 14 delegates have been allocated to Sanders and 10 have been allocated to Clinton. Five delegates remain to be allocated.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) is taking Clinton's loss tonight as a victory and as an opportunity to take a stab at the likely Democratic nominee.
Strong statement from @reince pic.twitter.com/bykShgKEok
— Matt Mackowiak (@MattMackowiak) May 11, 2016
Nearly two hours after polls closed in West Virginia, Bernie Sanders has finally been projected the winner of West Virginia.
BREAKING: Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic #WVPrimary. @AP race call at 9:24 p.m. EDT. #Election2016 #APracecall pic.twitter.com/05JSggz0bU
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) May 11, 2016
Like the race in West Virginia, the primary in Nebraska was quickly called for Donald Trump. That marks two straight wins for Trump, who at this point is merely accumulating delegates to solidify his position as GOP nominee.
BREAKING: Donald Trump wins the Republican #NebraskaPrimary. @AP race call at 9 p.m. EDT. #Election2016 #APracecall pic.twitter.com/4FipxRUTJ5
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) May 11, 2016
In less than 20 minutes, polls will finally close in Nebraska with results coming in shortly afterwards. The GOP race in West Virginia was quickly called for Trump—the only remaining GOP candidate. With 2.8% reporting in the Mountain State, Trump leads against campaign dropouts Ted Cruz and John Kasich with 69.7%. The likely Republican candidate has already taken home three of the state's 34 delegates tonight.
A bit more on those exit polls out of West Virginia:
.@ckmarie breaks down the exit polls out of West Virginia https://t.co/75jft6nS6I pic.twitter.com/s2IEX0UJQZ
— The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) May 11, 2016
Although the Associated Press has yet to call the Democratic race in West Virginia, Bernie Sanders is already declaring victory. In a campaign email to supporters, Sanders wrote:
We just got word that we won our 19th state, taking the majority of the delegates in today's primary in West Virginia.
Every vote we earn and every delegate we secure sends an unmistakable message about the values we share, the country's support for the ideas of our campaign, and a rejection of Donald Trump and his values.
Now we're on to two more primaries next week in Kentucky and Oregon, where we also hope to do very well. So let's keep going.
Although the Mountain State closed its polling locations nearly half an hour ago, there is 0% of the precincts reporting.
Polls have officially closed in West Virginia. As expected, Donald Trump was called the winner of the Republican race. Several news networks are also calling the Democratic race for Bernie Sanders.
BREAKING: Donald Trump wins the GOP #WestVirginiaPrimary. @AP race call at 7:30
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) May 10, 2016
p.m. EDT. #Election2016 #APracecall pic.twitter.com/AOpxOnd7Z1
Former Republican candidate, Marco Rubio, may not like Donald Trump, but he maintains he'll support him as the party's nominee.
In essence, Rubio told @jaketapper earlier that he's going to support Trump as nominee because he signed a pledge: pic.twitter.com/bR3fjvoZQM
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) May 10, 2016

A new poll by Public Policy Polling (PPP) reveals Republican likely nominee Donald Trump is viewed slightly less favourably than the band Nickelback. That's right, the world's most hated musical group is seemingly liked more than the potential future president.
The poll, released on 10 May, found that respondents also viewed the following more favourably than the bombastic real estate mogul: used car salesmen, traffic jams, hipsters, the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), root canals, jury duty and lice. Ouch.
Other gems from the unusual poll?
- 5% of voters nationally think Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer, 18% are unsure and 77% find Cruz not guilty of the charge of being a serial killer in nappies
- Of voters who viewed Trump favourably: 65% think President Barack Obama is Muslim, while 13% think he's Christian
- Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders lead Trump in a general election matchup, but Sanders does better
It's that time of the night. Exit polling has starting pouring in with less than an hour to go before polling locations close in West Virginia. The most recent polls reveal that Democratic and Republican voters in the Mountain State are most concerned about the economy, while GOP voters in Nebraska are more concerned about government spending. Other key takeaways?
- Voters in WV believe trade is more likely to cost jobs than create them. Nebraska Republicans agree.
- About one-third of West Virginia Democrats said they would break rank and vote for likely Republican nominee Donald Trump.
- 50% of West Virginia Republicans said they are angry at the government and a slight majority said they felt betrayed by the GOP.
- Two-thirds of Nebraska Republicans felt betrayed by the GOP and only about 50% felt the party would unite before the general election.
h/t CNN
Former Republican candidate Ted Cruz has refuted rumours he would return to the race as a third party candidate. Cruz suspended his campaign last week after he lost a decisive primary against Trump. The Texas senator returned to Capital Hill on Tuesday (10 May) for the first time since dropping out of the race.
Candidates from both parties are looking ahead, with Trump focusing on the general election and Clinton and Sanders focusing on key primary states left. Earlier today, the Clinton campaign released a new advert in major Kentucky markets highlighting her leadership experience in both foreign and domestic affairs.
Clinton's campaign had originally decided against spending on adverts at the end of April, but the latest video shows it may have changed its mind. Kentucky will hold its primary on 17 May.
h/t The Guardian & The Hill
Primary season is slowly coming to an end, with just 9 more states and Washington DC to go after today. Here's a look at what's ahead:
- 17 May: Kentucky (Democrats) and Oregon (Both)
- 24 May: Washington (Republicans)
- 7 June: North Dakota (Democrats) and California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota (Both)
- 14 June: Washington DC (Democrats)
Donald Trump's likely nomination has caused some discord among Republican leaders, with some key figures declaring they will not vote for him or will even vote for his chief rival Hillary Clinton. However, a recent Gallup poll reveals that division is not the case among Republican voters.
Republicans have a 64% favourable/31% unfavourable view of the presumptive nominee. Clinton, who is the likely Democratic nominee, does slightly better at 70% favourable/26% unfavourable view among Democrats. However, in general election matchup polls, Clinton continues to do better than Trump.
h/t Gallup
Welcome to our live coverage of today's primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska! Polls show Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders leading in West Virginia. However, Sanders' lead against rival Hillary Clinton is in single digits, so the Democratic race could be won by either candidate as has happened in the past.
Polls are set to close at 7.30pm EDT/12.30am BST in West Virginia and at 9pm EDT/2am BST in Nebraska.
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