World's longest bicycle rolls into Guinness Book of records

We all know cycling is a big business but this takes things to the next level. The Guinness World Records (GWR) has declared the world's "longest bicycle", which measures 117ft 5in long (35.79 metres).
Built by the Dutch cycling organisation the Mijl Van Mares Werkploeg, this longest bicycle is like any normal bike with two wheels and no stabilisers, except you will need two people to ride it. Although it's not difficult to ride as the group's leader, Frank Pelt, told GWR that the bike is quite easy simple but comes with one catch: "just don't turn any corners!"
The team says it was their challenge to make it into the Guinness World Records motivated them to build the bicycle. You can ride the bicycle without any issue on a straight road as long as it is without corners, which makes it difficult to make its way through.
Talking about the construction, the cycle is built with several aluminium trusses used to link both then ends. Because of its longest length, the cycle needs two riders to be operated by; one steers at the front, with the other pedals at the back.
While this has been officially recognised as the world's longest by Guinness, it may not be entirely worthy of the title as earlier in January 2016, UNiSA's school of Engineering in conjunction with Santos, designed a bicycle of 135ft 10.7in (41.42m) long, claiming that it was successfully ridden 100 meters to break the GWR set in 2011 in the Netherlands of 35.79 meters. As it has not been given the rubber stamp of approval this Dutch bike reigns supreme.
Check out the video showing details about how the team built the bicycle.
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