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Bret Hart took to social media on Monday (3 July) to pay a touching tribute to his brother Smith Hart, who died on 2 July, the day The Hitman celebrated his 60th birthday.
The former Stampede Wrestling star died at the age of 68 after losing his battle with cancer. Months before his death, Smith had revealed he had been diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer in a heartbreaking letter that he shared on his Facebook page. He had said that he had just a "year to live".
"The diagnosis is official, I have Stage 4 Terminal Cancer," Smith had disclosed on his Facebook page. "I have been told that I could potentially have another year."
The WWE Hall of Famer has honoured his elder brother by sharing a black and white flashback photo of the two in the ring with their hands raised in victory following a fight.
"I want to thank everyone for your messages of love and support over these last few days. It is with a heavy heart that I write my final goodbye to my eldest brother Smith. I know that the gates of heaven will open up and welcome one of the most unique and original characters ever," Bret wrote alongside the image.
"One can only stand in admiration at how Smith stayed truth to himself, always proudly dancing to his own tune. No one was more proud of being a Hart than Smith."
He then revealed the important role Smith played when the former was growing up.
"He taught me how to draw and he was the first brother to ever team up with me in wrestling," he said. "Above all things, Smith taught me to laugh, right up until his final days."