Google Nexus 6: Top five Android 5.0 Lollipop custom ROMs

Nexus 6 is Google's first Nexus smartphone to run Android 5.0 Lollipop out-of-box. Like Google, the developer community is at work to bring out the best Android customisations for the Nexus handsets through various custom builds featuring the latest Android software.
While there are a number of popular Android custom ROMs out there for the Nexus 6, only a few of them are worth installing. Check out the following list of top five Android Lollipop ROMs incorporating tons of tweaks and changes for Nexus 6.
- Sabermod 4.8.4 GCC Toolchain
- Kernel based on franciscofranco kernel
- LCD KCAL control
- Disabled forced encryption
- Tweaked CPU governors
- Voltage control
- CPU overclocking
- FauxSound
- LiquidSmooth build optimisations
- Black UI
- Linaro and Code Aurora Optimisations
- Custom toast animations
- Option to disable screenshot noise
- Built in superuser options with Root access options
- Call blacklist options
- SMS rate limiting option
- Filter spam notifications
- Per app control for Lockscreen notifications
- Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
- Safe headset volume option
- Less annoying sound notifications option
- Option to use volume keys to control media volume anytime
- Option to customise device hostname
- Option to not wake up device when charge is plugged/unplugged
- Volume rocker wake up
- IME switcher notification control
- Option to disable fullscreen keyboard
- Force autorotation on IME
- Option to force show enter key
- CM's Privacy Guard
- Increasing ringtone option
- Dark UI (primarily in Settings for now)
- Screen Density changer
- Statusbar clock customisation
- Option to disable searchbar in recents
- Statusbar brightness control
- Double tap statusbar to sleep control
- Custom Lockscreen shortcuts
- Extra info about your device (About phone/tablet)
- Custom Liquid Logo in about phone/tablet
- Google bug report and ota removed
- Option to show kernel toolchain and other info by tapping kernel version in about phone/tablet
- Timeout and instant lock options added to slide unlock instead of just secure keyguard options
- Developer options enabled by default
- Navigation bar height control
- Show application package name in app info
- LiquidSmooth Stats and Updater added
- Partition size info
- Option to disable immersive messages
- Modified Franco Kernel r10 with dt2w/s2w/s2s
- Dark material theme
- VomerTweaks Integration (coming soon)
- Native LED Notifications
Status Bar Customisation:
- Battery Style (Icon Portrait/Landscape, Circle, Text, Hide)
- Battery Percentage (Inside, Outside, Hide)
- Clock & Date (Show/Hide, Color, Alignment, AM/PM, Show/Hide Date, Date Style, Date Format)
- Brightness Control (long press status bar to change brightness)
- Double-tap status bar to turn device screen off
- Quick pull-down on right side to pull down tiles
- Long press tiles for options
- Clicking on clock or date on status bar opens up Clock, Calendar
- Show/hide notification count
- Quick Settings Customisation
- Show/hide brightness slider
Navigation Bar Customisation:
- Navigation bar height (including hide navigation bar)
- Disable Search Bar in Recents Menu
- Kill app back button
- Clear all recents button (enable/disable)
- Clear all recents location (top left, top right, top centre, bottom left, bottom right, bottom centre)
- Clear all task (dismiss all task or ignore the foreground task)
- Lock screen customisation
- Power menu customisation
- Advanced reboot
Volume rocker customisation:
- Wake device with volume keys when screen off
- Long press volume up/down keys to skip track when screen off
- Volume key adjustment sound (enable/disable)
- A large number of optimisations and memory leak fixes
- Expandable volume panel
- Long press recents to swap back to previous app
- Replaced AOSP Gallery2 with Material Design Apps
- Most bloatwares are removed + improved performance
- The real dark Slim user interface
- Included SlimPIE based on CM's PIE, inspired by ParanoidAndroid's PIE with a light touch of Slim
- Slim features: Dialer, privacy guard, Notification reminder, drawer and lockscreen shortcuts
- Custom Quick Settings tiles and more
- Very light, stable and smooth
- AOSP Based
- Un-encrypted
- Theme chooser
- Customise Quick Settings
- Delta updates
- Disabled tether checking
- IME selector notification control
- Advanced reboot
- Adb notification control
- Adb over network
- Long press back to kill
- CPU info overlay
- Status bar brightness control
- Superuser built into privacy guard
- Battery Icons options
- Option to disable lock screen carrier label
- Slim heads up options
- Headsup - doesn't show if notification drawer is visible
- HeadsUp: Swipe options
- left swipe dismiss
- right swipe put into background
- swipe down opens notification drawer and moves the notification into it
- USB OTG support
- cLock widget
- Notification weather panel
- Disable battery saver bar color
- Dialer - reverse number lookup
- HSPA+ Icons
- Statusbar clock and date customisations
- AudioFX
- Eleven
- Increasing volume ringtones
- Profiles
- Increasing ring volume
- Less frequent Notifications
- Long Press Volume keys to skip track
- Disable volume adjust sound
- Separate Ringtones and Notification volumes
- Expanded Volume panel
- Navigation bar options - Size & Hide
- Left Handed nav bar in landscape
- Double tap to wake
- Sweep to wake
- Double tap statusbar to sleep
- Wake on charge
- Keyboard cursor control
- Quick settings quick pulldown
- Long Press recent buttons to switch apps
- Long press back to kill app
- Customise clear all button location
- Privacy guard with advanced app opp control
- Blacklist for calls and SMS
- Forward lookup
- Speed dial
- Vibrate on answer
- Updated to material theme
- Pinch and zoom conversation screen
- Custom vibration patterns
- Quick reply
- Delay message timer
- MMS import and export
- Nav Bar height and width adjustment
- Dark Material
- Koush's Superuser built in
- WiFi Tethering
- Statusbar clock customisation + second + fonts
- Network traffic monitor
- Toast animations
- Listview animations
- LCD density
- Add weather display to status bar header
- Quick unlock
- Overall speed up system
- Brand new music and audio fix app from cyanogen
- Included all CyanogenMod 12 features
- And many more slim, omni and orginal RR improvements and system ui changes running in this alpha build
- 45 Volume step for audio
- Volume increase
- 4 way rotation (upside down portrait view)
- 4 column quick tiles
- Lollipop Task Manager (at top with quick tiles)
Here are a few more custom firmwares for Nexus 6. If you are looking for a guide to install Android 5.0 Lollipop ROM on Nexus 6, head over here for our step-by-step installation guide.
[Source: AndroidCure]
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