"Interestingly, the malware is specifically instructed not to gather any data from vk.com, Russia's largest social media platform," Bitdefender noted.
"Nobel Peace Prize is now a contest between Pentagon retweeter and Twitter Trump account deleter," one Twitter user wrote.
Vitaly Bespalov said IRA employees working in the "American department" were paid about $1,300 to $2000 per month to create inflammatory content.
The Facebook group has 33,200 members and is still growing. A white bread ham sandwich isn't the best way to win them over, though...
"The only way this could be worse would be if Linton and Mnuchin were lighting cigars with flaming dollar bills," one Twitter user wrote.
Beachings are said to be quite common along Brazil's coast as the whales migrate between their feeding and breeding grounds.
McNamee has called on Facebook to contact every person who was exposed to the Russian-bought ads during the 2016 election.
Naturally, many took to social media to voice their frustration over the issue, particularly those inching closer to their project deadlines.
"The fact that the U.S. president can't even keep track of all the mass shootings is a fairly compelling argument for gun reform," one Twitter user wrote.
Suicide rates for American girls aged 13 to 18 increased by 65% between 2010 and 2015, according to new research.
"Nobody trolls Current Trump better than Past Trump," one Twitter user wrote.
Officers at Iowa State University show that getting people to laugh on Twitter is a great way to win over the hearts and minds of the general public.
The former FBI director tweeted about truth, lies and justice in what many took as a subtweet to the US president's recent criticism.
The traditional summit handshake took a little while for Donald Trump to get used to, stirring reaction online.
Officers in North Yorkshire found a huge stash of cannabis, which remains illegal in the UK, during the early hours of Sunday morning.
"I swear, I thought I was reading a tweet from a troll account," one Twitter user wrote. Another added: "All that's missing is 'Dear Diary...' at the beginning."
Al-Awlaki was cited as an influence in numerous terrorist attacks over the years, including the ones at Fort hood, the Boston Marathon and San Bernardino among others.
"Careful walking in case those bone spurs flare up," one person tweeted.
Writer, provocateur and former Birds Eye pitchman Giles Coren received scathing criticism from Twitter users after writing he "feared" his son becoming fat.
A Sudanese man accused of planning a terror attack on British soil thought it was okay to download bomb-making instructions because they had not been deleted by Facebook.
The White House said a formal meeting has not been scheduled but they might "bump into each other and say hello."
Reddit pulled the plug on the incel – or "involuntarily celibate" – subreddit because of rape-glorifying content and general trend of misogyny.