> trump twitter
trump twitter
'God help us all': Twitter horrified after Trump lashes out at North Korea in 'petulant' tweetstorm
"Your impeachment can't come soon enough, for the sake of the entire planet," one Twitter user said.
'One day heel get it right': Twitter hilariously mocks Trump for misspelling 'healing' yet again
"I may never heel from this covfefe predisency," Jimmy Kimmel Live writer Bess Kalb tweeted.
'You stand for nothing': Ivanka Trump blasted for supporting plans to scrap Obama-era equal pay rule
"She's a complete and total fake," one Twitter user wrote.
'Cruel and heartless' Twitter furiously slams Trump's expected repeal of Obama-era DACA
"Dreamers are more American than the President of the United States," one Twitter user wrote.
'Utter imbecile': Twitter hits back at Trump for saying talking is 'not the answer' with North Korea
'It's like you're condemning me to death,' one Twitter user said.
'Sickening': Twitter rips Trump apart for marvelling at 'turnout' during visit to storm-torn Texas
"Honestly, what is wrong with him?" one Twitter user wrote.
'The eclipse blinded him': Trump gets trolled after he confuses two blonde Finnish reporters
'This is why you don't look at the sun, folks', one Twitter user wrote.
'Respectfully, you're not a President': Twitter slams Trump for 'bragging' during Hurricane Harvey
'Even during a national tragedy, it's all about him,' one Twitter user wrote.
'What do you actually do?': Ivanka Trump showed off her fan mail and got ruthlessly roasted for it
"Wow, your dad's drawings look great," one Twitter user wrote.
'Lost your mind old man': Trump mocked for boasting few administrations did more than him in 7 months
"Major disaster about to hit Texas and you're blowing smoke up your own a*se," one person wrote.
Tweeter-in-chief Donald Trump is worth $2bn to Twitter, analyst calculates
Financial analyst warns Twitter is not making the most of Trump's daily tweeting.
'You're disgusting': Twitter viciously slams Trump for pushing 'pig's blood' myth after Barcelona attack
"This is why my community lives in fear," one Twitter user wrote.
'World War 3 is about to start': Twitter horrified over Trump's 'fire and fury' threat to North Korea
One Twitter user described Trump's latest remarks as the "words of a madman".
'Put him on a leash': Twitter blasts Trump over his latest attacks on 'phony' Senator Blumenthal
"Bro just stop," one person tweeted.
Amazon sells toilet paper printed with Trump's tweets and the internet is going nuts
"Perfect use of his words," one person wrote.
'Whose side are you on?': Trump trolled after he blamed Congress for 'dangerous low' in Russia relations
'Why don't you just give Putin your iPhone and let him tweet for you,' one person tweeted.
'Udderly ridiculous': Trump's 'local milk people' comment gets creamed on Twitter with hysterical memes
'Local Milk People want to connect with you Kraft singles in your area,' one Twitter user wrote.
'Insane': Twitter divided over Stephen Miller's heated exchange with CNN's Jim Acosta on immigration
'I can't believe I just watched that in 2017,' one Twitter user wrote.
'Then move out': Twitter furiously slams Trump for reportedly calling the White House 'a real dump'
"It breaks my heart to hear what he said," one Twitter user wrote.
'We aren't laughing': Twitter slams White House for saying Trump was 'joking' about police brutality
'Your rhetoric is poisonous,' one person tweeted.
'Trump screwed the Mooch': Twitter explodes with hilarious memes mocking Scaramucci's ouster
"Looks like Scaramucci couldn't do the Fandango," one person tweeted.
'OMG it's literally Game of Thrones in this White House': Twitter goes wild after Trump announces Reince Priebus' exit
"Man, the West Wing must have a revolving door," one Twitter user wrote.
'Can't fool us': Twitter mocks letter to Trump from 9-year-old fan Dylan 'Pickle'
"Wow, stooping so low that you're faking letters from kids now?" one Twitter user wrote.
'You are truly a piece of sh*t': Twitter blasts Trump over transgender military ban
"How many times have you served again?" one Twitter user wrote.
'You're a disgrace': Twitter blasts Trump for relentlessly attacking attorney general Jeff Sessions
"You demand loyalty from everyone and then throw them under the bus," one person tweeted.
Ivanka Trump misquoted Albert Einstein on Twitter and got mercilessly mocked for it
''I'mma let you finish, but Beyonce had the best album ever.' - Benjamin Franklin,' one person tweeted.
'Spoiled brat of a man': Twitter blasts Trump for saying Republicans do very little to 'protect' him
'Do you ever not whine?' one Twitter user asked.
'Spicey out': Twitter goes bonkers after Sean Spicer resigns as White House press secretary
"Thanks for the meme-ories," one person wrote.
'What are you hiding?' Twitter roasts Trump for 'asking' about pardoning powers amid Russia probe
'Is Trump now tired of winning?' one Twitter user wrote.
'Putin will be jealous': Twitter mocks Trump after he proudly claims Macron 'loves holding my hand'
"The more you read this NYT piece, the more batshit it gets," journalist Rose Troup Buchanan tweeted.