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Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda bows in the memory of his people

Japan, Land of the Rising Debt and Age Problems

Japan is going through a period of very hard choices which the current Prime Minister of its coalition government Yoshihiko Noda, is pressing the Diet, Japan's Parliament, to address. On 30 March 2012, Prime Minister Noda submitted laws to double the present sales tax of five per cent, proposing a rise to eight per cent in April 2014 and then to 10 per cent in April 2015. His determination, if necessary, to stake his Government's survival on these laws being passed by the Diet was made pl...
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda bows in the memory of his people

Japan One Year On: Tohoku Quake Victims Remembered

On 18 March 2011, I bought a copy of the Daily Star newspaper. A photo in the bottom right-hand corner caught my eye at first and then the paper's headline. The photo showed two small children sitting on a railway line, warmly dressed against the cold with the little girl at least holding a school satchel on her back.
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