> house prices
house prices
Buy-to-let transactions crash at haart amid 'war on landlords'
National Housing Market Monitor report from haart shows sharp fall in number of landlords buying property.
House prices in prime central London fall by nearly 5%, says Knight Frank
Knight Frank prime central London sales index for November 2016 also shows 25% drop in transactions.
Should we abolish stamp duty on house purchases and replace it with a yearly tax on property owners?
Many economists argue stamp duty makes the housing market less efficient and should be replaced.
'Crossrail effect' sends house prices along Elizabeth Line surging
Lloyds Bank says Crossrail has pushed prices up fastest in Forest Gate, Abbey Wood, and West Drayton.
Ballrooms and wine cellars: A look at London's most expensive homes for sale
London house prices are among the highest in the world — and this is the priciest property on the market.
Landlords cash in on bumper returns as rents hit record high amid buy-to-let tax hikes
Rents set to rise in 2017 as landlords pass down cost of tax increases to tenants, says Kent Reliance report.
Renting Londoners who want to start a family face a 'harsh reality' as housing costs spiral
Property Partner research shines light on high cost of moving up rental ladder to start family.
Sadiq Khan unveils plan for 90,000 'genuinely affordable homes' to beat London's housing crisis
Labour mayor to offer London developers a fast-track planning route if they commit to 35% affordable housing.
Landlords are under fire from a tax-hiking Treasury — but buy-to-let is far from dead
Higher stamp duty and an end to tax relief for mortgage interest costs; being a landlord is getting expense.
Housebuilding jumps as chancellor unveils extra billions for housing — is it too little, too late?
DCLG data shows there were 38,730 new housing starts in England during the three months to September.
Mortgage lending for home purchases in London tumbles
Data from Council of Mortgage Lenders shows dip during Q3 in number and value of mortgages.
Is Airbnb making the London housing crisis worse?
Professional landlords are reportedly using the holiday lettings platform, and City Hall is looking to regulate.
Number of new affordable homes plummets to record low
DCLG plays down figures as the start of a new housebuilding cycle, but Labour calls the drop 'disastrous'.
Donald Trump will be US president but there is no sign of panicked exodus to London
It has been speculated that Trump's election in the US may cause Americans to migrate to London.
An American fleeing President Trump? Head to London where Brexit makes house prices cheaper for you
Sharp fall in the value of the pound against the dollar hands Americans a discount worth thousands.
Black Brick's Camilla Dell: Newbuild property in central London faces substantial price cuts
But Black Brick boss also says sub-£1m property market is 'active and resilient' in London.
New home registrations stall across UK and collapse in London, says NHBC
NHBC reports zero growth in the number of new homes registered to be built during the third quarter.
Can a new generation of prefab homes solve the UK housing crisis?
The government is reportedly preparing to support the construction of 100,000 prefab homes.
Mortgage approvals fall but the Brexit-related drop in lending 'looks behind us'
Data from the Bank of England shows 62,932 mortgage approvals for house purchase in September.
Housing crisis: Should London follow Hong Kong's lead with tiny studio flats?
Swire Properties is putting 142sq ft studio flats on the market for rent in Hong Kong.
Home sales slump amid a lack of property on the market
HMRC figures show annual fall in the number of residential property transactions during September 2016.
Sales of homes worth £1m or more crash under weight of stamp duty hikes
Land Registry figures show sharp fall between 2014 and 2016 in transactions of homes worth more than £1m.
The Park Crescent defies London property woes to generate £60m in sales after launch to market
Designed by Georgian architect John Nash, the super-prime property is thought to be worth £200m.
Reverse stamp duty hikes for property investors 'to clear the market's log-jam'
Paul Smith of estate agent haart, says some signs of improvement in property market after Brexit vote.
Are foreign investors really the problem in London's housing market?
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan promised an inquiry into impact of foreign investors on London's property market.
Is this the worst dining room ever?
Rightmove listing for balcony converted into eating area mocked by users on Reddit.
Britain now has over 660,000 property millionaires after years of soaring house prices
Data from Zoopla reveals the most expensive streets in Britain to buy a home.
Sadiq Khan launches inquiry into London property used to launder dirty money
Mayor of London demands greater transparency amid fears some money is laundered.
Philip Hammond confirms end of Help to Buy mortgage guarantee
Chancellor announces Help to Buy scheme's mortgage guarantee will end but ISA and equity loan remain in place.
Many first-time buyers find it 'extremely difficult' to get on the property ladder
But the First-Time Buyer Index also shows no change in demand after Brexit vote in EU referendum.